A sweet story...
Cedar Street is located in a beautiful neighborhood in Overland Park, Kansas. Many days you can hear the playful banter and laughter of neighborhood children. You can easily walk on the sidewalks and find more than one neighbor out chatting with one another. Cars rarely drive up and down Cedar Street and the ones that do are greeted with a friendly wave.
Cedar Street Toffee started here. It is customary on this street to share in the Holiday Spirit and give to those around us. Whether it is a hand in shoveling someone’s driveway or the warmth of cookies left on a doorstop. The Cedar Street toffee was discovered this way.
When you taste the buttery smooth joy, you will be transported to a time where the front doors where left open, children ran freely, and your neighbors were your friends.
Cedar Street Toffee will be available for purchase inside the Topeka Performing Arts Center during the Kansas Chocolate Festival.

Teresa is a mom of three boys who keep her busy with sports and school activities. Her husband and children are the light of her life, and her joy can be found when making toffee and sharing her creation with others.